Dorset Council have received an application from Openreach to close Manswood to Long Crichel Lane, Manswood from the junction with Longmans Road to a point approximately 400 metres to the north (in both directions). The closure has been requested to allow Openreach to renew decaying telegraph poles. These works are programmed to commence from 09:00, 16th September 2021 until 18:00, 16th September 2021.

Openreach will publicise the road closure in a number of ways: they will place information boards on the road in this area to inform the travelling public of the works; they will carry out a letter drop to local residents directly affected by the works; and they will sign a vehicular diversion route using the local road network. The map in the official notice  (PDF) and in the PDF below, shows the extent of the closure and the diversion route.

If you have any concerns about this proposal, please contact Tom Faulkner, ( by 27th August 2021.

Consultation Document - Manswood to Long Crichel Lane, Manswood
Proposed Temporary Closure of Manswood to Long Crichel Lane, Manswood (Sept2021)
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